Problem Set for Bioperl


	1.  Download uniprot_sprot:

		curl -O ""

	2. Unzip the file.

		gunzip uniprot_sprot.fasta.gz

PROBLEM 1: Bio::DB::Fasta

	1. write a script to retrieve all IDs from uniprot_sprot.fasta using the  get_all_ids method from Bio::DB:Fasta.

	2. Search through the list of IDs for all IDs that contain the term "HDAC"  

	3. Print the sequences for these proteins, in FASTA format.


	1. Write a script using Bio::SeqIO to retrieve the CDS translation from a genbank file. 

PROBLEM 3: Bio::SearchIO

          * On the command line, run the following command to format the file for using as a blast database:

					makeblastdb -in uniprot_sprot.fasta  -dbtype prot

            Here is how you can blast your favorite seq against swissprot:

            		blastp -query query.fasta -db uniprot_sprot.fasta -evalue 1e-10 -out query_v_sprot.blastout
            You can find additional information on BLAST+ at:

   4. Run Blast with your 3 protein sequences from earlier.
          * use the uniprot_sprot.fasta as your database
          * run blast with an e-value cut-off of 1e-10

   5. Parse your Blast output. For Hits with "significance" less than or equal to 1e-50 retrieve every HSP and print in a tab delimited format:
          * QUERY Name
          * HIT Name
          * HSP Evalue