1. Determine the codon usage for a DNA sequence - Create a string containing a DNA sequence - In a for loop - use the function substr ($seq, $offset, 3) to extract codons - store each codon and the number of times it has occurred in a hash - Report the codon usage 2. Create a report of the expression levels and sequences of genes expressed in liver. - There is a tab delimited file of expression data. - This file contains the following information: GeneID, tissue the gene is expressed in, expression level, and gene sequence. - Open this file script using open(). - In a loop:- - Read a line in the file - remove the "\n" at the end of the line - split the line on tabs using split (/\t/ , $line) - Store the data on each line in 3 different hashes as described below hash key value %tissue GeneID tissue %expr GeneID expression level %seq GeneID sequence - Now search the %tissue hash for genes that are expressed in liver. Make a list of the GeneIDs corresponding to these genes. - create a report of the GeneID and expression level of these genes