
An introduction to using databases for bioinformatics

Jer-Ming Chia (

What we will do today

  1. Creating databases, tables in MySQL

  2. Querying and manipulating data using SQL

  3. Querying and manipulating data using Perl DBI

What is a database

  • A collection of data
    • Text file with a list of genes
    • GFF text file
    • BAM file
    • Excel spreadsheet
    • Set of tables in MySQL

A table of genes

  • Each row is a record of a gene

  • Each column is a set of values constrained by a type

  • A simple query:
    What is the location of gene ‘GRMZM2G42775’?

A more complex query

Gene table

Expression data

Gene Ontology

"What are the classes of highly expressed genes in region 50Mb-55Mb of chromosome 5?"

DBMS: Software for managing databases

  • Database Management Systems (DBMS)
    • General term for software for managing data
    • Creating tables
    • Loading data
    • Querying data

  • E.g: MySQL, SQLite, Oracle, Microsoft Access, Berkley DB, MongoDB

    Relational Database Management System
    • Software for managing related data that is stored across multuple tables

Using a DBMS

  1. Through a user-interface

    • E.g: MySQL workbench, HeidiSQL, SequelPro, SQLite Manager, SQLite Spy

  2. Programmatically through SQL

    • Structured Query Language

    • E.g: “select gene_id from gene_table where chromosome = ‘chr2’;”

  3. Programmatically through an API in another programming language

    • Perl DBI

    • Java JDBC, C ODBC


  • A robust RDBMS that is very popular for large bioinformatics databases. Great for:
    • Very large, persistent datasets
    • Multi users with different permission levels
    • High volume transactions

  • To access the mysql client from the command line, you need 4 pieces of information:
    1. Host ( Defaults to localhost)
    2. Port (Defaults to 3306)
    3. Username
    4. Password

When MySQL is first installed a ‘root’ account, without a password, is created by default. We will use this account in exercises.

Using MySQL Shell

  • Start the MySQL client from the command line, and this will bring up a MySQL shell, connected to the MySQL server on you local machine:

     $ mysql –u root 
  • To connect to a remote server, for example the public Ensembl MySQL:

    $ mysql –h –P 5306 –u anonymous 
  • In the MySQL shell, each line of commands must terminate with a ‘;’

    mysql> show databases;
    mysql> create database myTestDB; # myTestDB is the database name
    mysql> use myTestDB; # Use database myTestDB
    mysql> help;
  • To quit:

  •  mysql> \q;
  • To cancel a command:

  •  mysql> \c;

Creating a table

  • Things to consider:

    1. Table name
    2. Name of each column
    3. Data type of each column
    4. Range of values of data in each column

Basic Datatypes

SQL: Creating a table

  CREATE TABLE tablename (
  	column_1_name  datatype  [optional constraint]
  	column_2_name  datatype  [optional constraint]

For example, to create this table using SQL:

  `gene_id` char(25) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
  `chr` char(5) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
  `start` int(9) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
  `end` int(9) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
  PRIMARY KEY (`gene_id`)

Keys and Indexes

    • Synonymous with KEY
    • It is the lookup column, or a set of columns, for a table.
    • There can be more than one KEY in a table

    • The primary key for a table represents the column, or set of columns, that is mostly frequently used as an index to the table
    • Columns used as the primary keys must be contain values that are unique to each row
    • There can only be one primary key in a table

SQL : Simple Queries

  • Query using SELECT
     mysql> use progbio2012; # Use database progbio2012
     mysql> SELECT gene_id from genes; #SELECT Column [columns] from Table
  • Use LIMIT when the list is too long
      SELECT gene_id, chr, start, end FROM genes limit 10;
  • Wildcard character “*” for all columns in table
      SELECT * from genes limit 10;

SQL: SELECT ... WHERE for filtering results

# what are the genes on chromosome 5?

  SELECT gene_id FROM genes WHERE chr=‘chr5’;

# what are the genes that lie within 50Mb – 55 Mb of chromosome 5?

  SELECT gene_id FROM genes 
    WHERE chr=‘chr5’ and end >= 50000000 and start <= 55000000;


# what are the genes that lie within chr5 with evidence ‘est’ or ‘cdna’ ?

  SELECT gene_id , class 
    FROM genes 
    WHERE chr=‘chr5’ 
    and (evidence=‘cdna’ OR evidence= ‘est’);

SQL: Sorting and Distinct

# What are the last 20 genes on chr 10?

  SELECT gene_id, chr, start, end FROM genes 
    WHERE chr=‘chr10’ 
    ORDER BY end desc 
    LIMIT 20;

# What is the unique list of gene evidences in the genes table?

  SELECT DISTINCT evidence from genes;


# How many rows are there in the table?


# How many genes lie in chromosome 5?

  SELECT COUNT(*) From genes where chr=‘chr5’;

# How many genes are there in each chromosome?

  SELECT chr, COUNT(*) FROM genes GROUP BY chr;

Other SQL functions besides COUNT:
  • avg, min, max, concat

SQL: Select ... Join

Gene table

Expression data

Gene Ontology

SQL :Simple JOIN

# What are the expression values for all transcription factors (Gene ontology id= GO:0030528 ) in experiment 1?

  SELECT genes_go.gene_id, go_id, day1 
    FROM genes_go, expression 
    WHERE genes_go.gene_id = expression.gene_id
    and go_id = 'GO:0030528';

Let’s try this

“What are the classes of highly expressed genes in region 50Mb–55Mb of chromosome 5?"

Perl DBI

  • DBI is a module that provides access to DBMS in Perl

  • It hides the nuts and bolts for connecting to each type of DBMS, leaving a consistent interface for connecting to a database

  • The key object in DBI is the database handle ($dbh), which represents a connection to a DBMS.

Perl DBI: 3 easy steps

  1. Create a database handle
    $dbh = DBI->connect(....)

  2. Execute a SQL statement using the database handle
    $dbh->do something

  3. Disconnect the handle

Perl DBI Step 1: Constructing the handle

  • for MySQL:
      my $dbname = "progbio2012";
      my $driver = ‘mysql’;
      my $user = 'root’;
      my $passwd = '';
      my $host = 'localhost';
      my $port = 3306;
      my $dsn = "DBI:$driver:database=$dbname;host=$host;port=$port";
      my $dbh = DBI->connect($dsn,$user,$passwd);
  • for SQL lite:
      my $dbname = "prog2012";
      my $driver=‘SQLite’;
      my $dsn = "DBI:$driver:$dbname";
      my $dbh = DBI->connect($dsn);

Perl DBI Step 2: Executing the SQL

  1. Construct the SQL query
      my $sql = “SELECT count(*) From gene”;

  2. Execute the transaction using the database handle
    Querying and fetching data:
      my $results_array_ref = $dbh->selectall_arrayref($sql);

DBI Example: Executing an SQL

For example, to create a table using $dbh->do()

	$dbh = DBI->connect($dsn)

	#! /usr/bin/perl
	use strict;
	use warnings;
	use DBI;

	my $dbname = ‘progbio2012’;
	my $user = ‘root’;
	my $passwd = ‘’;
	my $host = ‘localhost’;
	my $port = 3306;

	my $dsn = "DBI:mysql:database=$dbname;host=$host;port=$port";
	my $dbh = DBI->connect($dsn,$user,$passwd);

	my $sql = "CREATE table foo (bar char(10));" ;


DBI : Fetch a list of genes using DBI


	$dbh = DBI->connect($dsn)
	$fetched_results = $dbh->fetch SQL query
	do something with results

  #! /usr/bin/perl
  use strict;
  use warnings;
  use DBI;
  my $dbname = 'progbio2012';
  my $user = 'root';
  my $passwd = '';
  my $host = 'localhost';
  my $port = 3306;
  my $dsn = "DBI:mysql:database=$dbname;host=$host;port=$port";
  my $dbh = DBI->connect($dsn,$user,$passwd);
  my $query = "SELECT gene_id, chr, start, end from genes";
  my @results = @{$dbh->selectall_arrayref($query)};
  foreach my $row_ref ( @results){
   my $str = join "\t",@{$row_ref};
   print $str,"\n";

DBI : Count using selectrow_arrayref

For SQL queries which will only return a single row,

e.g: SELECT COUNT query

	$dbh = DBI->connect($dsn)
	$fetched_row = $dbh->fetch SQL query
	do something with results

  #! /usr/bin/perl
  use strict;
  use warnings;
  use DBI;
  my $dbname = 'progbio2012';
  my $user = 'root';
  my $passwd = '';
  my $host = 'localhost';
  my $port = 3306;
  my $dsn = "DBI:mysql:database=$dbname;host=$host;port=$port";
  my $dbh = DBI->connect($dsn,$user,$passwd);
  my $query = "SELECT COUNT(*) from genes where chr ='chr10'";
  my @row = @{$dbh->selectrow_arrayref($query)};
  print join ("\t",@row),"\n";

DBI : Querying using placeholders

Fetch the expression level for a list of genes

	$dbh = DBI->connect($dsn)
	$sth = $dbh->prepare(SQL)
	end loop	

  my $dbh = DBI->connect( $dsn, $user, $passwd );
  my $query = "SELECT day1, day2, day3, day4
  	FROM expression
   	WHERE gene_id = ?";
  my $sth = $dbh->prepare($query);
  my $file =shift;
  open IN,"<",$file || die ("Can't open file $file $!");
  while (my $gene_id = <IN>){
   	chomp $gene_id;
   	my @results = @{ $sth->fetchall_arrayref};
  	foreach my $row_ref (@results) {
		my $str = join "\t", @{$row_ref};
		print $gene_id,"\t",$str, "\n";
  close IN;

DBI: Placeholders vs SelectAll

# fetch expression level for a list of genes


  @genelist = read from file
  $dbh = DBI->connect($dsn)
  $sql = “SELECT day1 
  	FROM expression
  	WHERE gene_id = ?”
  $sth = $dbh->prepare($sql)
  loop through genelist:
  	$expr = $sth->fetchrow_array
  	print $expr
  end loop	
  • 1 database transaction for each gene queried
  • Slow if you have many genes to query


  @genelist = read from file
  $dbh = DBI->connect($dsn)
  $sql = “SELECT gene, day1  
          FROM expression”;
  %gene_expr hash
  for each result in 
      $gene_expr hash{$gene} = $expr
  end for each result
  loop through genelist:
    if exist in %gene_expr hash
      print $expr 
  end loop	
  • A single database transaction
  • Slow if you’re fetching millions of rows and you end up only needing a small fraction

For other DBI functions, see CPAN

With $dbh->selectall_hashref

	my $dsn = "DBI:mysql:database=$dbname;host=$host;port=$port";
	my $dbh = DBI->connect($dsn,$user,$passwd);

	my $query = "SELECT gene_id, chr, start, end from genes";

	my %results = %{$dbh->selectall_hashref($query,'gene_id')};

	foreach my $gene (keys %results){
		print $gene,"\t";

Other useful MySQL commands

For loading a text file into a table from the unix command line:

 $ mysqlimport --local –u root databasename filename.txt
Filename must have the same name as the table you are trying to load data into

For dumping data from a table:

 $ mysqldump –u root databasename tablename > table.sql

Or for dumping the entire MySQL database:

 $ mysqldump –u root databasename > database.sql

Other useful SQL commands

Inserting new rows into table

 INSERT into genes (gene_id, chr, start, end, evidence) 
  values (‘foo’,’chrX’,1000,1500,’cdna’);

Updating data in table

 UPDATE genes SET gene_id = ‘bar’ WHERE gene_id = ‘foo’;

Before you leap:

  • What we did not cover and should be considered before charging ahead and designing your own databases
    • The full JOIN Syntax:
       mysql> SELECT genes_go.gene_id, go_id, day1 
               from genes_go 
               join ( expression ) 
               on ( genes_go.gene_id = expression.gene_id ) 
               where go_id = 'GO:0030528';

    • Database Normalization

    • Consider other RDMBS: e.g SQLite

Problem sets: Databases and Perl DBI

  • For this problem set, we have installed MySQL servers in each of the machines.

  • In each MySQL server, you'll find a database named progbio2012.

  • This database has 5 tables: genes, genes_go, expression, snp, go_terms
    1. 'genes' table lists the location and evidence class of each gene
    2. 'genes_go' table contains the Gene Ontology terms for genes that have a Gene Ontology annotation
    3. 'go_terms' list the Gene Ontology descriptions of the GO Ids
    4. 'expression' table contains the expression level of genes in 4 experiments.
    5. 'snps' list of SNPs in chr1 and chr10.

  • You will need the data in these tables for the problem sets

Problem sets: Getting familiar with mySQL

  1. Follow the steps below to enter the MySQL shell and use the database progbio2012.
    • on the unix command line:

       $ mysql –u root 

      You're now in the MySQL shell.

    • To use the database progbio2012:

       mysql> use progbio2012;

      To list the tables in the database:

       mysql> show tables;

Problem sets: Getting familiar with mySQL

  1. Use the 'explain' command to see the schema of each table
    • on the unix command line:

       mysql> explain genes; 

    • Try out SHOW command to see the SQL-CREATE syntax for each table:

       mysql> show create table genes;

Problem sets: SQL

  1. Using SQL, perform the following queries:
    1. How many rows are there in the gene table?

    2. How many genes have GO annotations?
      HINT: count(distinct gene_id)

    3. List the number of genes in each evidence class in the genes table
      HINT: Using a COUNT ... GROUP BY query

    4. Using a SQL query that joins the genes_go and expression table,
      select the day1 value of genes that have the go_term 'chromatin binding' ('GO:0003682')

    5. Try the query above again, but limit it to genes on chr1.

Problem sets: Perl DBI

  1. Do the following using Perl-DBI
    1. Using a similar query to Q3.d above, write a Perl DBI script that produces a tab-delimited text file for genes with go_term 'nucleic acid binding'. (GO:0003676)
      The text file should have the columns: gene_id, go_term, day1, day2, day3, day4

    2. Construct a query to find genes where the expression level in day4 is greater than day1.
      Print out this list of genes.

  2. Advanced problems
    1. How many genes in the first 100Mb of chr1 contain snps?

    2. Compute the gene density on chr10 across 1Mb windows.
      Assume that Chr10 has a total length of 150Mb.

    3. Compute the average expression level in each experiment (day1, day2, day3, day4) for the genes in each GO term.