Perl IV Problem Set 1. Create a shuffled sequence Turn a DNA string into an array with split() Use a for loop to perform the following procedure N times (N = length of seq) Select a random position A with rand() Select a random position B with rand() Exchange the letters at array indices A and B Print the now shuffled sequence 2. Start with 2 very similar DNA sequences. Align with ClustalW or some other web alignment application. Output should be in fasta format. Store (copy and paste) the sequence, including dashes, from each ClustalW fasta output in a separate string variable inside your script. Turn each string into an array with split() Use a for loop to compare each index for nucleotide differences. Report the nucleotide position of each difference. 3. Calculate GC content Turn a DNA string into an array with split() Use a foreach loop to look at each nucleotide in turn Calculate total length of the sequence Keep a running total of C's and G's Print the calculated GC content as a percent.