Scientific Programming

Jim Tisdall

Programming for Biology 2011

Lecture Notes

  1. The Problem
  2. Time and Space and Algorithms
  3. Using Less Time
  4. Using Less Space
  5. Profiling
  6. Parallel Processing

Suggested Reading

Mastering Algorithms with Perl
	by Orwant, Hietaniemi, and Macdonald
	(An excellent algorithms text with implementations in Perl)

Introduction to Algorithms
	by Cormen et al.
	(This is the standard modern text)

Writing Efficient Code
	by Jon Bentley
	(Hard to find.  Great book.)

Introduction to Automata Theory, Languages, and Computation
	by Hopcroft and Ullman
	(The standard, mathematical textbook for theoretical computer science.)

Computers and Intractability: A Guide to the Theory of NP-Completeness
	by Gary and Johnson
	(Very well written.)

Network Programming with Perl
	by Lincoln Stein
	(Client-server network programming.)

An Introduction to Parallel Algorithms
	by Joseph Jaja
	(For the next generation of computers.)

Programming for Biology

Jim Tisdall, tisdall -- at --
Last modified: Sun Oct 23 20:36:27 EDT 2011